
Here’s when you might want to turn to a cosmetic dentist to improve your appearance.

It takes fewer muscles to smile than it does to frown, so we might as well smile more, right? Of course, if you find yourself hiding your smile because of certain imperfections then you may be wondering if you’re a good candidate for cosmetic dentistry. Here are the top five reasons that people turn to our Norwich, CT, dentist Dr. Edward Yates and his cosmetic dentistry team for treatment.

Stains and Discolorations

Have your teeth started to look a little dull, dingy, and maybe even a bit yellow these days? This is a common problem that may get worse as we get older. Everything from less-than-perfect oral hygiene to drinking coffee and eating lots of dark foods can lead to nasty dental stains. Luckily, our Norwich, CT dentist can easily remove these stains and actually brighten the color of your teeth with a popular cosmetic dentistry treatment known as teeth whitening.

Professional teeth whitening can get your teeth several shades whiter in just a single one-hour session. This is perfect if you’re looking to get a visibly whiter smile before a wedding or special occasion.

Gaps Between Teeth

Many people have gaps between teeth, and while some people may see it as a character builder, others may feel embarrassed by their smiles. If you’ve been looking for a way to close these gaps, we can help. The cosmetic treatment we will recommend will depend on the severity of the gap.

Small gaps may be filled with dental bonding resin, while larger gaps may need to be covered with dental veneers. If you’re looking to actually correct misalignments in your smile, you may also choose to turn to Invisalign (a clear alternative to braces) to straighten out your smile.

Chipped or Cracked Teeth

Small chips or cracks in your teeth may not affect the integrity of your smile but it can certainly affect your appearance. Fortunately, we can easily buff small chips away or apply bonding resin to the area to fill it.

Gummy Smiles

If you are dealing with excessive gum tissue, then you may feel a bit embarrassed by your smile. The good news is that we don’t just offer cosmetic treatments to enhance and improve the appearance of your teeth. We can also reshape gum tissue to reveal more of your beautiful teeth and to offer a more symmetrical smile.

Oddly Shaped Teeth

Everything from genetic to years of teeth grinding can lead to oddly shaped or malformed teeth; however, dental veneers can help improve the shape of your teeth. These porcelain shells are bonded directly to the front of your teeth, where they cover the tooth and help to hide a wide range of imperfections. Veneers can easily alter the shape and size of one or more teeth.

Are you interested in what cosmetic dentistry can do for your smile? If so, it might be the perfect time to sit down with our Norwich, CT, dental team to find out which treatment or treatments could give you the smile you’ve always wanted. Call us today at (860) 889-6445 to learn more.

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