
If your smile could use improvement, consider orthodontics. Teeth-straightening methods can reposition teeth, move ones that are overlapped, restore chewing function, close gaps, and spaces. Orthodontics can also advance your oral health by reducing gingivitis. At Norwich Aesthetic Dentistry in Norwich, CT, dentist Dr. Edward Yates can decide which type of orthodontic treatment is best for you after performing an oral examination.Why Orthodontic Treatment Improves Oral HealthCrooked teeth can cause speech issues, diminish self-esteem, and result in a poor bite. You may feel like you need to straighten your smile for cosmetic reasons, but orthodontics also improve oral health. Braces help the gums fit snug around the teeth, allowing for easier cleaning, and healthier enamel, as well as gums. When your gums are healthy, you won’t have to worry about potential tooth loss. Your mouth will feel cleaner, and your confidence will thrive.Orthodontic Treatment OptionsThere is a variety of choices for orthodontic care. These include: Invisalign – uses clear aligners that are virtually invisible to straighten the teeth Traditional Braces – uses metal brackets, tooth-colored brackets, or wires to shift teeth into their proper position Lingual Braces – attached to the inner sides of the teeth for a more aesthetic appearanceOrthodontic treatment can be helpful for both children and adults. We provide comfort and convenience for patients of all ages. If you live near our Norwich, CT, office, schedule a consultation with dentist Dr. Edward Yates for a full evaluation and tooth assessment. To learn about orthodontics and other services provided, visit our website. For appointment scheduling at Norwich Aesthetic Dentistry, please call (860) 889-6445.

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