Root canal treatment relieves dental pain and saves infected teeth. Dr. Edward Yates performs root canals when a tooth’s pulp becomes inflamed, causing pain, and increases other teeth and soft tissue becoming infected as well. Dr. Yates offers his patients’ root canal therapy at his Norwich CT office, Norwich Aesthetic Dentistry, so read on to learn more about the procedure and what to ask him before or during your appointment.More About Root Canal Therapy With Your Norwich DentistA tooth consists of several layers: enamel (the white protective outer layer), dentin (soft yellow layer), and pulp (the inner-most layer rich in nerves). You need root canal therapy when bacteria decay teeth. Acid-producing bacteria left behind on teeth after eating or drinking destroy the enamel and dentin. When bacteria reach the pulp, this results in pain and inflammation because the pulp has nerves. This infection, if not dealt with immediately, may spread to other teeth and soft tissue.Root Canal TherapyYour Norwich dentist specializes in treating infected teeth. He cleans and disinfects the root canal by removing the pulp and using antibiotics. Dr. Yates then seals the canal to prevent bacteria re-entering the canal and then, depending on how much of the tooth has decayed, Dr. Yates may need to buildup the tooth first and place a crown over it, or simply place a crown over the tooth. The crown provides support and reinforces teeth.How to Care for TeethTo make sure you don’t need a root canal, it’s best to take preventative care. You have to brush and floss every day to remove food and prevent bacterial proliferation.Whom should you contact?If you would like to learn more about root canal therapy, then you should contact Dr. Edward Yates of Norwich Aesthetic Dentistry in Norwich CT by calling (860) 889-6445 today!