Most people experience at least one or two cavities (or more) in their lifetime. If you have a bit of tooth decay, then it’s essential to remember that a fast treatment reduces the likelihood of bigger complications in the future. Cavities are not only annoying, but they affect your dental health – which can have an impact on overall health. So, if you have any tooth decay, then it’s essential to talk to your dentist about how to get rid of cavities.

Dental treatments are available to get rid of cavities. Additionally, having cavities is a sign that a person needs to pay more attention to their dental health. The daily habits you are following, such as brushing and flossing, make a big difference in the long-term health of your teeth and gums.

Dental Cavity Basics: What You Need to Know

When a dentist gives you a cavity diagnosis, then it means that there is permanent damage to the surface of your tooth. Even though the outside area of the tooth is hard, it’s possible for decay to form holes or crevices in the tooth.

If there are bacteria present on the surface of the tooth, then it can start to break down the protective enamel layer on the outside of the tooth. When these damaged areas are left untreated, decayed areas begin to grow. The decay moves into deeper layers of the tooth, which can eventually lead to infection, toothache, and other complications.

Over time, untreated cavities can cause serious damage to the tooth, which is why people often ask how to cure cavities. In fact, if a cavity is left untreated and an infection develops within the tooth, it could result in the need to extract the tooth.

So, if a cavity treatment is necessary, it’s important to schedule this appointment immediately. Can you get rid of cavities? Yes, with an in-office dental treatment known as a filling.

Causes of Cavities (And How to Prevent Them)

People of all ages can get cavities. However, certain factors increase the likelihood of cavity development. The risk of cavities is higher due to these things:

  • Genetic Predisposition: Some families have a higher risk of cavities due to weak teeth.
  • Tooth Crowding: When the teeth are too close together, it is difficult to clean the teeth properly.
  • Acid Reflux Disease: In this situation, the stomach acid is coming back up into the mouth, and the acidity damages the surface of the teeth.
  • Tooth Location: Molars have a higher risk of cavity development because they have more grooves and pits where bacteria and food can get stuck.
  • Diet: Eating a lot of sugar can increase the likelihood of cavity development because the sugar feeds the cavity-causing bacteria.
  • Eating Frequency: Snacking throughout the day can take a toll on your dental health, especially if you aren’t brushing after eating.
  • Daily Habits: The teeth need to be brushed twice a day and flossed once a day to maintain optimal dental health. Skipping these important habits can increase the risk of cavity development.

Once you learn about the causes of cavities, there are ways that you can make small lifestyle adjustments to avoid the risk in the future. For example, one simple change of drinking water instead of soda or juice will reduce the exposure of sugar to your teeth. As a result, you can decrease your risk of cavity development – so there is no need to talk to a dentist about how to get rid of a cavity.

Is It Possible to Get Rid of a Cavity?

Yes! The good news is that having a cavity doesn’t mean that a tooth needs to be extracted. Our dental team can treat your cavity. Ideally, this treatment will happen in the earliest stages, before the cavity spreads and causes more damage to the tooth. Fast treatment is essential… the longer you wait, the more work necessary to restore your tooth.

Different treatments will be recommended based on the severity and size of your cavity:

  • Fluoride Treatment: If the cavity is just beginning, then it might be possible to avoid an invasive treatment by using a fluoride treatment. This treatment strengthens the enamel and can reverse small soft spots on the tooth enamel.
  • Filling: A typical filling involves drilling the damaged and decayed portion of the tooth. Then, composite materials are used to fill in the gaps. The treated tooth looks and feels like a natural tooth.
  • Root Canal: When the cavity progresses and the infection spreads into the tooth, then it might be necessary to remove the pulp and soft tissue inside. This treatment is known as a root canal.
  • Tooth Extraction: While the goal is to preserve the natural teeth whenever possible, there are times when extraction might be necessary. If the tooth is damaged and decayed beyond repair, then your dentist might recommend extraction.

Do cavities go away after filling? Yes, your tooth will be cavity-free when the filling is completed. The dentist is thorough about removing all of the decayed parts of the tooth. But another cavity can develop if you aren’t consistent with brushing and flossing.

Can Dental Cavities Be Reversed?

Can you fix a cavity on your own? Even though there are many at-home recommendations for reversing cavities, the truth is that you can’t believe everything you read online. Talk to any experienced dentist about how to get rid of a cavity, and the answer will be the same: the only guaranteed way to eliminate a cavity is through a dental treatment. Removing a cavity at home is not recommended – it’s necessary to visit an experienced dentist for professional treatment.

The beginning stages of a cavity can sometimes be reversed through consistent at-home brushing and flossing, as well as in-office fluoride treatments. At this point, the enamel might be soft or weakened, but tooth damage hasn’t occurred yet. These weakened areas are known as caries, which can develop into full cavities if left untreated. Consistent fluoride treatment is essential to keep the enamel strong and reduce the likelihood of tooth decay spreading.

When is it too late to reverse a cavity? Once the cavity progresses to the point where the bacteria has damaged the enamel and reached the dentin, then it is the “point of no return.”

Dental Treatments Can Save Your Teeth

Instead of searching online for “how do you get rid of cavities,” the better solution is to visit an experienced dentist for professional treatments. This starts with regular checkups and dental cleanings. Consistent appointments are essential for catching tooth decay in the earliest stages. Early intervention treatments can then be used before the cavity progresses and damages other areas of the tooth.

Professional Treatment: How to Get Rid of a Cavity

If you have questions about how to get rid of a cavity, then make sure you are talking to a trusted source. Our office is here to help, offering personalized recommendations based on your unique needs. Please call our office at (860) 889-6445.